Please check back soon for the 2014 mini-grant application!

Congratulations to the recipients of the 2011-2012 mini-grant awards!

The purposes of the Mini-Grant Program of the California Council for the Promotion of History are to:
  1. Promote quality history experiences for all Californians through such programs/projects as exhibitions, educational activities, publications and other appropriate projects
  2. Further the purposes of the CCPH by making small but meaningful grants to heritage organizations throughout California
  3. Promote continual development of high standards of historical research, presentation and preservation among California heritage organizations
  4. Promote professional practices among California's heritage organizations in all aspects of operation.
  • Typical awards range from $500 to $1000.
  • Applicants must be California nonprofit organizations or agencies of state, county or local government.
  • Applicants must contribute a significant portion of the total project cost, either in cash or in in-kind volunteer time and materials. Organizations awarded grant funds in a previous granting cycle must submit the written report on the previous year's grant before applying in the current grant cycle.

The following criteria are used in evaluating grant applications:

  1. Relevance—Is the proposed project appropriate for CCPH funding? Does the project further the purposes of CCPH and its mini-grant program?
  2. Significance—Is the project focused on legitimate historic themes, events or subject matter? 
  3. Quality—Does the project embody or promote the development of high standards and greater awareness of history for the community?
  4. Management Ability—Does the project show careful planning; does the organization have the management capabilities to successfully carry out the project?

Please note: CCPH Mini-grants do not fund:

  1. Purchase of equipment
  2. Scholarships
  3. Awards to individuals
  4. Receptions, per diems, meals
  5. Long-distance trips
  6. Projects (or elements of projects) substantially completed before the anticipated date of the grant award 
  7. Membership solicitations and members programs
  8. Fundraising activities


Questions about the mini-grants program? Please contact

Need more information? Contact the CCPH office at