History Day in California is a statewide program sponsored by Constitutional Rights Foundation and the California Department of Education in conjunction with National History Day. History Day is an exciting, history-based learning experience for students from 4th-12th grades. 
In History Day, students learn about issues, ideas, people, and events in history and apply what they have learned through creative and original productions. Students can create historical papers, imaginative exhibits, original performances, multimedia documentaries, historical websites, and posters related to the annual theme. There are two divisions, Junior Division (6th-8th grade) and Senior Division (9th-12th grade). The 2-dimensional display category is for 4th and 5th grade only. 
Each year a broad theme is selected to encompass entries, including local, state, American, and world history. The purpose of the theme is to give a central focus to the work of all participants and provide a common "yardstick" against which the quality of research and understanding may be judged.  

How You Can Help
California History Day needs friendly, history-loving folks to serve as judges at both the local and state levels. CCPH encourages Professional Historians across California to get involved as judges. 

This year, CCPH will offer one cash prize to the student or group whose project best explores a topic related to our state's dynamic past. To learn more about how you can support this effort, please send an email to historyday@ccphhistoryaction.org.

For more information about History Day, please visit  