CCPH strives to keep our members informed about legislation that might be of interest to them, and often takes positions in support of, or opposition to, specific pieces of legislation (usually at the state level, but sometimes at the federal and local levels). We do this through this website and through the California History Action newsletter. If you have questions about CCPH's legislative advocacy efforts, please contact the CCPH office at

Advocacy Information
The National Coalition for History provides weekly updates on federal legislation. For more information, visit

For more information on state legislators and their districts, visit

The Office of Historic Preservation (OHP) offers a new quarterly e-newsletter, Preservation Matters.  The newsletter is designed to educate the interested public about the operations of the Office of Historic Preservation and to inform about meetings, workshops, conferences, and other timely matters of interest to historic preservationists.  Preservation Matters is available on the OHP website at:  If you have any comments or questions, please send them to this address,

History News Network