Thank you for your interest in writing a book review for publication in California History Action. We generally print reviews that are 600-800 words in length. If you wish, a longer review may be submitted for publication on CCPH's website, with an edited version to be run in the newsletter itself. You will be given a by-line for your review and may keep the review copy of the book in return for your work.

When you are sent a book for review, please tell us the anticipated date that you will be submitting the review so that we can prepare our publication schedule accordingly. California History Action is published each March, June, September and December. Deadlines for submissions are the first day of each month of publication. It is preferred that reviews be submitted electronically to
(please include review in text of email message and also as an attachment). However, if email is unavailable or difficult for you, a hard copy can be mailed to the CCPH office at Dept of History, 6000 J Street, Sacramento CA 95819-6059. Please include a short description of your position/academic program and where you live.

The following books are currently available for review:
 Coming Soon


Need more information? Contact the CCPH office at